miércoles, 18 de julio de 2007



My name is juan rengel but everybody calls me "JUAN" .I'm from Maracaibo, originally
I'm 18 years old and I study engineering at urbe.

I live in Maracaibo,in cumbres de Maracaibo.

I love, music,pacing,playing basketball
and baseball,surfing the net,
talking on the phone with my friends,
pizza and my family.
I hate the onion and the broccoli, the violence, the war, the lies, the injustice and washing the plates.My dream must travel all over the world, visit Europe and Japan. Certainly I want to graduate of the school of electronics and to be a good engineer. I would like to be employed at a company would marry and begin a family.
My opinion about the Englishman(English), I like to learn new languages. I look T.V in English, this is a good exercise(fiscal year). I wait it(he,she) can learn more on the Englishman(English).

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